usb powered, 8x8 led matrix, with extra cats that celebrates.
--*--* imgs
--*--* code:
// -*- STEAM_PONG:
// two cats playing pong with potentiometers.
-*- MAIN
10 inicio
20 leer movimiento
21 filtrar (dentro de paredes)
30 mover paletas
40 mover bola
50 dibujar
60 return
* scene(8x8 matrix):
* 0 - - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - - -
* - - - - + - - -
* + - - - - - - -
* + - - - - - - +
* - - - - - - - +
* - - - - - - - -
* 7 - - - - - - - -
* 0 7 <-scene[0..7]
volatile unsigned char framebuffer_pos = 0x00;
volatile unsigned char scene[8]; // a char for each column
volatile signed char o_x, o_y; // ball x & y positions
volatile signed char o_dx, o_dy; // ball x & y directions
volatile signed char i1_p, i2_p; // players positions
volatile signed char redraw, speed_counter, current_speed; // 1 if must redraw; increasing speed as game goes on; actual speed; and score.
const char speed_bumper = 10; // increase speed after this cycles
//const unsigned char d1[] = {0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x7f, 0x00}; /* the number 1 */
//const unsigned char d2[] = {0x47, 0x49, 0x49, 0x49, 0x31}; /* the number 2 */
signed char ctrl01, ctrl02, analog_val01, analog_val02, ant_analog_val01, ant_analog_val02, aux_portB, aux_portC, i,j, aux_a, aux_b;
signed char suelta, rebote_paleta, pos;
unsigned int k; // counter
unsigned char period=30; // period <- can control velocity with this
/* *************************************** */
/* *************************************** */
void set_ports()
// initialize control registers and ports
ADCON1 = 0x00; // portA is full analog
TRISA = 0xFF; // portA is input
TRISB = 0x00; // portB is ROWS
PORTB = 0x00; // initialize portB
TRISC = 0x00; // portC is COLUMNS
PORTC = 0xFF; // initialize portC
void read_controls()
// read analog_val and compares with ant_analog_val
// sets ctrl01 and ctrl02 according to difference
analog_val01 = Adc_Read(0)>>6; // it needs just 4 msb
analog_val02 = Adc_Read(1)>>6;
aux_a = analog_val01 - ant_analog_val01;
aux_b = analog_val02 - ant_analog_val02;
if (aux_a == 0) ctrl01 = 0;
else ctrl01 = (aux_a > 0) ? 1 : -1;
if (aux_b == 0) ctrl02 = 0;
else ctrl02 = (aux_b > 0) ? 1 : -1;
ant_analog_val01 = analog_val01;
ant_analog_val02 = analog_val02;
void mover_paletas()
// actualiza posición de las paletas en función de ctrl0X
// 1 : inc y, scene <<
// -1: dec y, scene >>
// 0 : keep
if (ctrl01 == 1)
if (i1_p < 6)
scene[0] = scene[0]<<1;
if (ctrl01 == -1)
if (i1_p > 0)
scene[0] = scene[0]>>1;
if (ctrl01 == 0)
i1_p = i1_p;
if (ctrl02 == 1)
if (i2_p < 6)
scene[7] = scene[7]<<1;
if (ctrl02 == -1)
if (i2_p > 0)
scene[7] = scene[7]>>1;
if (ctrl02 == 0)
i2_p = i2_p;
void init_scene()
scene[0] = 0b00011000; // player 01
scene[1] = 0b00000000; //
scene[2] = 0b00010000; //
scene[3] = 0b00000000; //
scene[4] = 0b00000000; //
scene[5] = 0b00000000; //
scene[6] = 0b00000000; //
scene[7] = 0b00011000; // player 02
i1_p = 3; // positions of p1
i2_p = 3; // positions of p2
o_x = 2; // ball x coo
o_y = 4; // ball y coo
o_dx = 1; // ball x dir
o_dy = 0; // ball y dir
void show_scene()
for (i=0; i<8; i++) // columns x
aux_portB = scene[i]; // put the row vector in column i
PORTB = aux_portB; // set the ports
if (i==0) // initialize
{aux_portC = 1;}
else // shift previous val
{aux_portC = aux_portC << 1;}
PORTC = ~aux_portC;
void point_for_one()
volatile unsigned char catscene[28] = {0x00, 0x18, 0x24, 0x00,
0x04, 0x02, 0x14, 0x00,
0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x14,
0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x24,
0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x1C,
0x00, 0x04, 0x0A, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned int d;
for (d=0; d<24;d++)
j = 0;
for (i=d; i<d+8; i++) // columns x
aux_portB = catscene[i]; // put the row vector in column i
PORTB = aux_portB; // set the ports
if (i==d) // initialize
{aux_portC = 1;}
else // shift previous val
{aux_portC = aux_portC << 1;}
PORTC = ~aux_portC;
void point_for_two()
volatile unsigned char catscene[28] = {0x00, 0x18, 0x24, 0x00,
0x04, 0x02, 0x14, 0x00,
0x20, 0x20, 0x00, 0x14,
0x02, 0x04, 0x00, 0x24,
0x18, 0x00, 0x20, 0x1C,
0x00, 0x0A, 0x04, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
unsigned int d;
for (d=0; d<24; d++)
j = 0;
for (i=d; i<d+8; i++) // columns x
aux_portB = catscene[i]; // put the row vector in column i
PORTB = aux_portB; // set the ports
if (i==d) aux_portC = 1; // initialize
else aux_portC = aux_portC << 1; // shift previous val
PORTC = ~aux_portC;
void mover_bola()
// mover bola en función de dx, dy, i1_p, i2_p
// 41 si golpea pared: pared()
// 42 si golpea paleta: casos{esquina_up, esquina_dn, simple}
// 43 si bola suelta: casos{win01, win02, simple}
// pared
if (o_y == 0) o_dy = -o_dy;
if (o_y == 7) o_dy = -o_dy;
// golpe_paleta
suelta = 0;
rebote_paleta = 0;
pos = (o_x == 1) ? i1_p : i2_p;
if (o_x == 1 || o_x == 6) // detecta x
suelta = 1;
if (o_y == pos || o_y == pos+1) // rebote normal
o_dx = -o_dx;
suelta = 0;
rebote_paleta = 1;
else if (o_y == pos-1 && o_dy == 1)// esquina_up
o_dx = -o_dx;
o_dy = -o_dy;
suelta = 0;
rebote_paleta = 1;
else if (o_y == pos+2 && o_dy == -1)//esquina_dn
o_dx = -o_dx;
o_dy = -o_dy;
suelta = 0;
rebote_paleta = 1;
// suelta
if (suelta)
if (o_x == 1) // *point for 2!
o_x += o_dx;
o_y += o_dy;
else // *point for 1!
o_x += o_dx;
o_y += o_dy;
//si fue rebote en paleta ajusta direcciones
if (rebote_paleta)
if (o_x == 1 && (ctrl01 == 1) && (o_dy < 1)) o_dy++;
if (o_x == 1 && (ctrl01 == -1) && (o_dy > -1)) o_dy--;
if (o_x == 6 && (ctrl02 == 1) && (o_dy < 1)) o_dy++;
if (o_x == 6 && (ctrl02 == -1) && (o_dy > -1)) o_dy--;
// si hay pared después de rebote
if (o_y == 0 && o_dy == -1) o_dy = -o_dy;
if (o_y == 7 && o_dy == 1) o_dy = -o_dy;
// y finalmente mueve la bolita
o_x += o_dx;
o_y += o_dy;
scene[1]=0x00; scene[2]=0x00; scene[3]=0x00;
scene[4]=0x00; scene[5]=0x00; scene[6]=0x00;
scene[o_x] = 0x01<<o_y;
/* *************************************** */
/* *************************************** */
void main()
ant_analog_val01 = Adc_Read(0)>>6;
ant_analog_val02 = Adc_Read(1)>>6;
init_scene(); // 10 init
while (1)
read_controls(); // 20 read controls
mover_paletas(); // 30 mover paletas
mover_bola(); // 40 mover bola
for (k=0; k<=period; k++) // 50 dibujar por un rato
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